Nadine Langlois Coaching

Relationship Coaching

Nadine Langlois Coaching

Nadine Langlois is familiar with engaging relationships. Her experience as a wedding photographer and social media growth agent besides, she has rich life experiences of her own that she brings to her clients as a relationship coach. Eidolon Institute helped her attract and manage leads.

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Lead Capturing

Nadine needed to take advantage of an opportunity to direct leads she developed from her social media engangement to a sales proposition. We built her systems to easily capture, funnel, and close clients

— Nadine Langlois

Phase 1

Lead Capturing

Nadine had been working a traveling sales job and promoting a family social media agency. Over time she successfully built a strong following of leads and potential clients which she needed a means to collect and close. She had recieved some quotes for a website, but chose to start with an incremental approach that provided agile market testing and still have effective leads collection. Her priority was passively closing leads from her social engagement funnel, and with Eidolon Institute's help developed a tier of services and offerings to close from her site.

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